Computational Cryptography: Algorithmic Aspects of Cryptology
This is the homepage of the book titled “Computational Cryptography: Algorithmic Aspects of Cryptology” edited by Joppe W. Bos and Martijn Stam and published by Cambridge University Press. The page provides links to the author versions of the chapters in the book.
You can buy the book through the Cambridge University Press webpage.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1. Introduction
by Joppe W. Bos and Martijn Stam
Part One - Cryptanalysis
- Chapter 2. Lattice Attacks on NTRU and LWE: A History of Refinements
by Martin Albrecht and Léo Ducas - Chapter 3. History of Integer Factorization
by Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr - Chapter 4. Lattice-based Integer Factorization - An Introduction to Coppersmith’s Method
by Alexander May - Chapter 5. Computing Discrete Logarithms
by Rob Granger and Antoine Joux - Chapter 6. RSA, DH, and DSA in the Wild
by Nadia Heninger - Chapter 7. A Survey of Chosen-Prefix Collision Attacks
by Marc Stevens
Part Two - Implementations
- Chapter 8. Efficient Modular Arithmetic
by Joppe Bos, Thorsten Kleinjung and Dan Page - Chapter 9. Arithmetic Software Libraries
by Victor Shoup - Chapter 10. XTR and Tori
by Martijn Stam - Chapter 11. History of Cryptographic Key Sizes
by Nigel Smart and Emmanuel Thomé